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Testimonials & Benefits

little tots of tidewater review playing music together.jpeg

"Rachel lets the kids enjoy the class in their own way, which is great because I have one reserved child who just enjoyed listening to the music, while my other child went all in! Can’t wait for park classes to start up again." - Sara

When parents and children unite in a musical setting that encourages movement, learning, and enjoyment, the benefits are boundless! These are just some of the many benefits:


- Enhanced Bonding: The shared experience of music and movement further strengthens the bond between parents and children.


- Motor Skills Development: Activities involving props like rhythm sticks, bean bags, egg shakers, and scarfs encourage the development of fine and gross motor skills, enhancing coordination and balance.


- Cognitive and Language Development: Listening to different genres of music stimulates cognitive development, promoting language acquisition, pattern recognition, and memory skills in children.


- Social Interaction: Group activities with props like parachutes promote social interaction, teamwork, and cooperation, helping children learn important social skills.


- Emotional Expression: Music and movement provide a safe outlet for children to express their emotions, promoting emotional intelligence and self-awareness.


- Sensory Stimulation: Activities with different textures and sounds from the various materials used in class provide sensory stimulation, enhancing sensory integration and awareness.


- Confidence Building: Engaging in music and movement activities in a supportive environment boosts children's confidence, as they gain a sense of achievement through their creative expressions.


- Joyful Learning: The combination of music, movement, and play makes learning enjoyable, encouraging a positive attitude towards education and fostering a love for music from an early age. 



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